Tag Archives: touch

Guys and Kittens.

Two completely different guys… two completely different ways of patting the kitten… got me thinking.

Let me explain. We have a random kitten at my house. We’ve had it for four days now and it is incredibly cute. Long story short we got it for an elderly friend of ours who decided she didn’t want it and now we’re stuck wondering what to do with it. (So if you’d like a kitten please let me know :) )

Anyway one of my friends loves my other cat and wishes he could have a cat. He came over to goo-gah over the kitten and sat on my lounge for about an hour just holding it, gazing at it, smiling at it and pulling out his phone to have a short photo shoot with it. Now of course it was cute. I mean how cute is it when guys go all mushy like that? He was ecstatic when the cat nestled itself in the crook of his arm on its own accord and has been ‘awwing’ about it ever since.

Now another of my friends came over this evening. We were sitting around watching a movie and I had the kitten asleep in my lap when I decided I’d like to pass it over to him, knowing he’d secretly enjoy it. After professing that he’s not too keen on cats and a bit of persuasion on my part I handed over the limp bundle of snoring fur and he placed it in his lap.

The cat was asleep and very delicate and he was fully aware of this. He ever so slowly and carefully tugged on the blanket to pull it closer to him. Once the kitten was comfortable in position he proceeded to stroke the kitten’s fur all the way down it’s back.

As riveting as the movie was, I kept looking over at him as his long fingers combed over the cat’s fur. He was completely absorbed in the moment and had zoned out of the movie. He sat in the dim light looking down at the small animal in his lap and continued to pat it with the most care I have ever seen.

I then noticed how different these two guys are. The first has stronger hands that completely encompassed the kitten with his touch. He was confident in his manner and seemed in full control of the situation. Yes he was loving the moment playing with the cat but what I thought was cute made me think again after what I saw tonight.

The other guy has thinner hands with longer, more delicate fingers. It was as if he was so aware of this tiny kitten in comparison with him and he was very cautious in the way he dealt with it. His touch was not timid as much as reserved. No soft circular caressing, simply a long, pleasurable stroke down the kitten’s back.

I wanted to know so badly what was going through his mind at that moment. I knew what was going through mine….

What would my husband be like? Will he be the ‘ultimate’ strong man who knows how to work his stuff or will he be the more reserved type? And how will he treat me? Will I just be a novelty, treated special but only because it pleases him or will I be seen as precious, treated with reverence and touched tentatively and softly? And how will I act? Will I be willing to perch in the crook of his arm or go the whole way and lie vulnerable and asleep in his lap?

Do you ever wonder these things? I guess it often happens to me when I’m watching romantic movies. What will my love story be like? Who will the guy be? Will I be happy, excited or reluctant? Will I merely feel like I am settling for less?

What do you reckon? What will yours be like? Do you have any idea? Gosh I don’t. I think I’m glad though. No expectation of how it will work out. I just trust that it will work out and I’m glad I have a loving God who cares and loves me and you enough to give us what he knows is best :)


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In Your Arms I Feel Alive

It’s like I’ve been awakened from my sleep.

My senses fire up and I am lifted from unconsciousness.

Your arms secure around me, your hands encircling my wrists.

My heart seems to stop at your touch yet it racingly beats all at once.

How can you be doing this to me?

Hold me forever?

In your arms I feel alive.

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