Tag Archives: sonnets

Sonnet of Uncertainties

Today in English we learnt how to write sonnets.

:P not easy! Makes you appreciate Shakespeare so much more.

Anyway I decided to write about friendship between two young and innocent girls. But as time moved on they inevitably grew apart. But there is always the hope that one day they will be reunited :)

A crisp autumn day met us by the church

her nose laden with freckles, wearing a smile

innocence was the measure and mirth

of frolicking days gone merrily by.

Our pure joy, it could not be captured

the camera doth not recall such bliss

it could not recall such emotions raptured

could not predict what would happen amiss.

Time trained two roses apart, split at the side

her love for me grew ever so absent

memories remain a thorn in my side

will she return or for ‘ternity lament?

Oh to refrain from dwelling on memories

Oh for disdain the hell of uncertainties.

© retracingme

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